Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Dog Information: Why Dog Chase Cars, Cats and Other Dogs?

Why Dog Chases Moving Objects?

Why dog chases cars, cats and practically everything that moves? Chasing objects that moves- it is their instinctive behavior. Objects in motion triggers canine to chase, showing great intention to capture it. Specially, if your dog is a herding breed, the moment it sees a moving object, he jumps up and starts to go for it. Although dog has been domesticated for thousands of years already, it still shows traits and distinguishing feature from the wild canines. On certain occasions, it just the dog’s play response that is why dog chases cars. It is a manifestation of canine’s tag game natural behaviour, its dog’s natural prey drive. 

Some Possible Reasons Why Dog Chases Cars, Cats and other Moving Objects

·         Your canine is extremely bored
·         As a form of entertainment
·         Protecting its territory

Some Important Things to Remember Why Dog Chases Cars and other Moving Objects
·         Some breed’s prey drive is higher than other breed, so it is important to analyze their behavior. Herding dogs like terriers and hounds shows higher prey drive.
·         Why dog chases can possibly turn into aggression, so as a responsible dog-owner, take precautionary measures.

·         Why dog chases and their prey drive can result to biting, killing and eating their preys
·         The consequences of the attack could be very dangerous to the prey/victim
·         Watch out for some predatory aggression
·         If he starts to do it strategically, like doing an ambush attack, waiting for the victim to be within the range, then launches the chase. It is time for behavioral correction training.
·         If manifestation of increased prey aggression occurs, your canine may require immediate behaviour modifications.

Final Note

Fog Safety of General Public, implementation of behavior modifications is required. Alternatively, to exercise more secure canine behavior, put your canine on leash. Why dog chases is their natural instinct. However, you (as responsible dog-owner) can correct it with proper training.

More Related Readings:
Why Dog Information: Why Dogs Do Not Sweat
When and How to Potty Train Your Puppy

About the Author:
If you want to know more about dog training updates, tips, advice and products. I suggest you visit this site and enjoy your time with your canine

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